Napoleon’s one-and-a-half inch long penis last known to be in the possession of NJ urologist’s daughter

Napoleon’s one-and-a-half inch long penis last known to be in the possession of NJ urologist’s daughter

By Dean Balsamini

Here is a short history lesson.

French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte died 203 years ago May 5, but his legendarily petite privates were last known to be in the hands of an Englewood, NJ, resident.

The penis belonged to Evan Lattimer, whose renowned urologist dad beat out stiff competition at a Paris auction in 1977 to buy the organ for $3,000.

French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte’s legendarily petite privates were last known to be in the hands of an Englewood, NJ, resident.Julie Scarlet Stapen

“He bought it, he never showed it to anyone, he never told anyone. He just took it, put it under the desk and there it was,” she once told Channel 4 in the UK.

Dr. John K. Lattimer, who did extensive research on the Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy assassinations, died in 2007 at age 92.

Evan Lattimer, now 75, declined to comment on the famous French member of the family when reached by The Post.

As legend has it, a resentful doctor supposedly snipped the inch-and-a-half long penis during the 5-foot-5 ruler’s autopsy.

Evan Lattimer (pictured), now owns the body part after her father bought it at a Paris auction in 1977.Julie Scarlet Stapen

The postmortem was carried out by Napoleon’s doctor, Francesco Autommarchi, in front of 17 witnesses, according to NYC writer Tony Perrottet, who wrote the 2008 book, “Napoleon’s Privates: 2,500 Years of History Unzipped.”

The penis is then said to have been part of a collection of items owned by the priest who administered Napoleon’s last rites, Abbé Anges Paul Vignali, eventually passing through his family, Perrottet, 60, confirmed to The Post.

Napoleon’s pistol warrior was among relics bought by American rare books dealer A.S.W. Rosenbach in 1924 and displayed at the Museum of French Art in Manhattan in 1927.

Evan Lattimer said that her father, Dr. John K. Lattimer (pictured) “bought it, he never showed it to anyone, he never told anyone. He just took it, put it under the desk and there it was.”RobertHJacksonCenter

It was eventually auctioned in Paris in 1977 and bought by Evan Lattimer’s father, a Professor of Urology at Columbia University.

Evan Lattimer has kept private for the most part on the kinky keepsake.

Perrottet had the rare privilege of seeing little Napoleon about 10 years ago in Englewood.

Rumors say that a resentful doctor snipped the inch-and-a-half long penis during the 5-foot-5 ruler’s autopsy.Julie Scarlet Stapen
Evan Lattimer has kept quiet for the most part on the keepsake.Julie Scarlet Stapen

“It was a fascinating moment. She hadn’t looked at it for years. It was in a FedEx box. The legend was the doctor kept it under his bed,” the writer explained. “It had been air-dried, so no one is going to look so great after 200 years. It was like a little baby’s finger … It’s always compared to beef jerky. It’s sort of dried out.”

Here are the whereabouts of some other A-list body parts:

  • Ludwig van Beethoven’s ear bones — Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies at California’s San Jose State University,
  • Lincoln’s skull fragments — National Museum of Health and Medicine in Washington D.C.
  • Galileo Galilei’s finger — Museum of the History of Science in Florence, Italy
  • Thomas Edison’s last breath – in a glass tube at Henry Ford Museum in Michigan
  • Albert Einstein’s brain — Mutter Museum in Philadelphia

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