Giant invasive, pet-eating snakes take over Puerto Rico: ‘It’s very, very bad’

Giant invasive, pet-eating snakes take over Puerto Rico: ‘It’s very, very bad’

By Katherine Donlevy

Boa constrictors and pythons are running rampant in Puerto Rico as the massive, invasive species are popping up in less hospitable areas across the island — swallowing livestock, pets and native birds along the way.

Locals have desperately tried to quell the snakes’ surging population since the issue first arose more than a decade ago, but the beasts have only pushed deeper into and claimed larger swathes of the island.

“It’s very, very bad,” Alberto R. Puente-Rolón, a biologist at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüe, told Vox during a reporter’s visit to the snake-infested island.

“We have a serious problem and a serious threat to the bird species here.”

Boa constrictors, which are native to South and Central America, first began showing up in Puerto Rico around 2012, likely after they were accidentally unleashed in connection with the exotic pet trade.

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