Hey there everybody, you’ve done it again. You all have done something to attract the mental cases again. From time to time you all have done such a good job of creating a fun place to visit that you’ve make the unstable element of Disqus users interested in you all.  Much like episodes of BATMEN, there seems to be a rotation of characters who like to come here and try to stir up trouble. If it isn’t the Joker, it’s the Penguin. If it isn’t the Riddler, it’s Catwoman. This time, it’s Huggy.

(not the true Huggy avatar)

Huggy is a mentally challenged person who performs self abuse on a disturbing level, and he finds TNBD to be the perfect amount of masturbatory subject matter, and as grounds for doxxing and stalking. Disqus is very aware of this troll and doxxer. They keep close tabs on him, how he comments, and the things he says while pleasuring himself. We believe his mom had him invite many of his friends over his house after school each day, and she took turns hugging them in a private room while he played with his video games naked.

What we want you all to do is to be aware of any new accounts that clones our “regulars” here on TNBD, and let us know if you spot him. He often clones not just our moderator accounts, but also some of our frequent and well known community members. He goes to strange random sites and tags others from TNBD there and he talks about the resentment he has toward his 2 moms. So if you see one of our regulars “acting strange” on TNBD or on other sites, including tagging you, please let us know. We will use a tool that Disqus gave us, and we’ll pass his information over to Disqus proper.

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