Biden Lands in Hot Water in Washington – After Releasing Russian Arms Dealer, Joe Rails Against Guns

Biden Lands in Hot Water in Washington – After Releasing Russian Arms Dealer, Joe Rails Against Guns

Posted For: Newly 

By Adam Casalino

What’s Happening:

At this point, many Americans consider Joe Biden a failed president. But the worst thing is, neither he nor his administration are trying to improve. I guess it’s because they trust the mainstream media to convince enough Americans he’s not a failure.

But here we are, yet again, with an example of Biden putting everyone else ahead of Americans. You may have heard about how Biden got back a WNBA player arrested in Russia. He may not have known he did this by giving Russia a convicted arms dealer. That’s right, Biden set free a man who illegally traded weapons to hurt Americans.

And on the very same day, he lectured Americans about gun control.

You really can’t make this crap up.

From Breitbart:

President Joe Biden pushed gun control for Americans on Wednesday and, on that same day, agreed to release a convicted arms dealer via a prisoner swap with Russia.

Breitbart News reported Biden speaking at the gun control vigil, saying, “Our work continues to limit the number of bullets that can be in a cartridge, type of weapons that can be purchased and sold, attempt to ban ‘assault weapons,’ a whole range of things that are just commonsense.”

Okay, so let me get this straight. Joe Biden just freed a man who capture countless stores of weapons when the Soviet Union collapsed. He then sold these weapons via the black market to villains all over the world, including the Taliban and Hezbollah.

He was convicted and sent to prison for providing weapons used by our enemies to kill Americans. Biden sets him free to get back a leftist who was arrested for breaking drug laws in Russia.

Then, he scolds Americans for lawfully owning and operating firearms? Are you kidding me?

Biden gives Russia back a man who helped kill Americans. Yet he wants to limit our ability to defend ourselves, despite the Second Amendment? Do you see why we say he puts other nations ahead of Americans?

Even Democrats blasted Biden for what he did.

From Daily Wire:

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, slammed President Joe Biden Thursday for releasing notorious terrorist Viktor Bout in exchange for Brittney Griner.

Viktor Bout is now free to continue his evil work around the world. What he might do is far worse than any single American with a gun. Yet Biden rewards a criminal like Bout while trying to rob Americans of their liberties.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden freed a convicted arms dealer on the same day he pushed gun control.
  • He traded a man who sold weapons to killers, to free a woman arrested in Russia.
  • Biden then called for limits on magazines and “assault weapons” for lawful Americans.

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