Time magazine cover declares that Biden’s apparent victory represents ‘A time to heal’

Time magazine cover declares that Biden’s apparent victory represents ‘A time to heal’

Allegedly objective Time magazine is openly celebrating Joe Biden’s apparent victory in the 2020 presidential election with a commemorative cover that declares that his victory represents “A time to heal.”

Not content to declare him a healer with the cover, the accompanying article calls Biden a “dragon slayer” in the first paragraph, musing that, “The only thing more powerful than a dragon is a dragon slayer. For four years, Donald Trump’s penchant for division and chaos was the dominant force in American life. In the end, after a long and excruciating battle, it was vanquished by Joe Biden’s promise of decency, unity and national healing.”

In case you thought Time might have been laying it on a little thick in their lead paragraph, they were not done. Before the end of the article, they had declared that Biden represented, “a vindication of a style of American politics that many feared was gone forever,” “a leader with competence and empathy,” an “experienced statesman,” “a candidate most famous for his hugs and handshakes,” “the man for the moment,” a politician who “could carry [America] back to a calmer, less politically divisive past,” and more.

In case you were wondering, the article was not exactly neutral about President Donald Trump. Trump was described as the dragon who got slayed by Biden, an agent of “division and chaos,” an “incompetent president,” a “celebrity who mocked the [coronavirus],” a President who “went on to bungle the federal response to a virus that has killed more than 230,000 Americans,” a person who “proved incapable of even feigning sympathy for the millions suffering from the disease and the recession it caused,” a candidate who “ran on a brutal vision,” a president whose “errors set a low bar,” and more.

In the end, according to Time, everything worked out exactly as Biden thought it would: “armed with a stable campaign in unstable times, and a comforting message in a disquieting moment, Joe Biden completed his slow and steady march to victory, exactly as he said he would.”


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