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Help! My Housemate Leaves His Elderly Dog Outside All the Time.

Help! My Housemate Leaves His Elderly Dog Outside All the Time.


Dear Prudence,

My best friend of 14 years and I recently moved in together after the purchase of my new home. One of his three dogs is 16 years old and has troubles with incontinence, using the steps to get into/out of the yard, and movement in general. The incontinence is no issue, as my friend is very tidy and regularly cleans up; however, recently as the dog has gotten worse, he has taken to leaving her outside most of the day and night. This was a questionable approach in the summer but as winter nears and temps are getting below freezing, I have been uncomfortable with this set up. I brought this up to my friend, and he said I need to mind my own business when it comes to his dog. I don’t want to lose a friendship over this, but I can’t sleep knowing she is outside when it’s 30 degrees with no shelter. Is there something else I can say to him?

— Dog Woes


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