AITA for refusing to change my girlfriend’s dog’s diapers?

AITA for refusing to change my girlfriend’s dog’s diapers?

My girlfriend (24) and I(23) are both dog owners, I have a pretty young puppy while she has an 18 year old beagle. Needless to say her dog, due to the incredibly advanced age, has some serious health problems. He is blind in one eye, near deaf, can barely see or smell his food, she has to bottle feed him water and sometimes hand feed him food. He is also incontinent.

He would just go to the bathroom all over our house because he couldn’t control it, and it was destroying our carpets, until my girlfriend decided to put him in diapers. This is better for our carpets but he needs to be changed 3 times a day.

As you can tell, I’m not happy about this. I think that he has lived a full long life, and my girlfriend is prolonging the inevitable for her sake not his. Which I understand as she’s had him since she was a little kid, however, at some point this isn’t good for him. More selfishly, the lease is in my name and it’s bad on me if he shits himself in our carpet.

Recently, I made the suggestion that science he had lived such a full life, maybe it’s better that we let him rest. She exploded. She said that I was heartless for suggesting this and that she will not do that. We got into an argument about whether or not it was good for anyone except her to keep him in this state. Eventually I told her that if this is the case, I will not be helping her take care of him anymore. This includes, feeding “walking” and especially cleaning up after him after he uses his diaper.

She got mad. I work from home and she doesn’t so I have a much easier time taking care of the dogs than she does. She told me I was cruel and I refused to budge.


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