AITA For calling someone’s job and reporting them for calling me a slur

AITA For calling someone’s job and reporting them for calling me a slur

Okay so I know based on the title it seems obvious I am not however when I explain, people in my life have said I shouldn’t of done it. So, I was at work, and I work for a chain store that is having a Mother’s Day gift card sale where people purchase x amount and receive x amount extra. Customers have been calling the store to report they haven’t be receiving the code for the extra value, so we were collecting their info for a manager to reach out to at a later time. Well, a customer called and left a voicemail from 1 number, so naturally I called back that number. After dialing I was greeting with a generic work place phone intro, so I hung up after realizing that it was a work number. The customer calls back, I answer, and I begin to explain while since it’s may 1 I don’t have much info and that if they would give me their info I could pass it to management who was working to fix the issue. The customer began berating me, as my co worker stood next to me watching me attempt to speak and get cut off several times. (he later informed me he heard almost everything the customer said because they were screaming at me through the phone) Finally I explained that I need their info to find the account and cannot do anything in this moment but would contact management and reach out with a solution. This is where the customer decided to scream how we were scammers and call me a slur. I immediately stated I was uncomfortable continuing this call and would have a manager reach out and to have a great day and hung up. Here’s where I might of been the AH. Since I noticed they called from a work line, I searched the number and saw it was for a company and decided to call back and inform that company their employee is using their work number to berate and disrespect people, as they people didn’t want stuff like that linked to their number. The woman who answered the phone said she would let HR know and thanked me for informing them. A bit later, that customer called back demanding a manager because they wanted to file a police report on me for “harassment” for calling their job, which I found funny as they called us back 7 times from the work number after I hung up after being disrespected. My other co workers said I went to far and my management team seems to agree but I can’t see how what I did was bad. You shouldn’t use company numbers to do bad things if you don’t want it linked to you right? Anyways I’m sure I’m not but my co workers are saying since the customers got pulled into hr at their job I might of got someone fired, and that’s why im the AH?

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