Help! I’m More Attractive Than My Girlfriend and It’s Making Things Awkward in Public.

Help! I’m More Attractive Than My Girlfriend and It’s Making Things Awkward in Public.


I’ve been dating “Hannah” for almost a year. I love her and am very deeply sexually and romantically attracted to her. I personally feel like we’re a good match looks-wise, but the issue is I’m considered to be classically handsome, whereas Hannah is more uniquely and quirkily attractive, which suits my taste but not everyone’s. This mainly comes up at restaurants, where about half the time the server asks if we want one check or two. Every time this happens, Hannah quietly jokes that she’s not hot enough for me, they think we’re brother and sister and I got the looks in the family, they think I’m her gay best friend, and so on. She seems to have a sense of humor about it, but I can also tell it really hurts her.

I’ve tried to tell her that some servers always ask this, and it has nothing to do with the relative attractiveness of a couple, but she clearly doesn’t buy it. I also feel a bit like a liar, because while I’ve actually only dated two girls before Hannah, both of them were more classically good-looking, and I don’t remember this happening then, at least not nearly as much. Can you please tell me, once and for all, do servers actually do this when they suspect two people aren’t a romantic couple because of a mismatch in attractiveness? And how should I respond to Hannah’s little jokes when they do?

. Yes One Check

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