Help! My Boyfriend Won’t Stop Farting Around Me.

Help! My Boyfriend Won’t Stop Farting Around Me.


 I’m at the end of my rope in regards to my husband and his selfishness. He’s lactose intolerant, like officially diagnosed by a doctor as being allergic to dairy, yet he’s still eating ice cream to the tune of a couple of gallons a week. This has my man farting non-stop and I mean loud, smelly farts.

 I cannot begin to tell you how embarrassing this is. We were at Target yesterday and he was carpet-bombing the entire store. It’s so bad I don’t want to go out in public with him anymore. I’ve begged him to not eat ice cream if we are going out. He tells me farting is natural and I should just get over it and he won’t switch to lactose free ice cream because “it’s not as good.”

I’m at the point I want to tell him to choose between ice cream and me. Help me  figure this out so I don’t want to murder my husband.

 Signed, The Non-Gassy Spouse

Dear Snarky – Help! My Husband Won’t Stop Farting


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