Dem Rep Sits Outside Congress to Protest QAnon, Behind Barbed Wire Fencing and National Guardsmen



Democratic Congressman Al Green (TX) decided to protest by taking a seat on the steps of the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, which is a day authorities vaguely warned about it being a date some conspiracy theorists believe former President Trump would be back in office for a second term.

No major QAnon protest showed up outside the Capitol on Thursday, but the Capitol Police has requested the National Guard to be continued to be deployed for at least another two months, despite no known major threat to the building in the aftermath of the January 6 riot.

The House canceled votes on Thursday because of the “threat,” but the Senate was still in session.

The Hill reported Green sat on the steps, behind multiple barbed wire fencing and thousands of National Guardsmen, to send a message.

“I want to make a statement to let people know, those who would threaten those of us who cherish this freedom that we have here that we refuse to allow those threats to negate our freedom,” he told The Hill.

In all, the “threat” to Congress did not materialize in the slightest, but reporters were out and about to capture the mild weather.

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